Icons made by Madebyoliver from www.flaticon.com is licensed by CC 3.0 BY

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Can you reach Base Camp?

1) Stair climb

  • start at the bottom of your stairs and step up on to the first step, then step down,
  • then step up on to the bottom step and down, then go up to the second step and come down. 
  • then step up on to the bottom step and down, then go up to the second step and down, then go up to the third step and down
  • keep adding the next step each time until you reach the top step

EG - If you have 10 steps in your house, you will have stepped up to the bottom step 10 times, the second step 9 times, the third step 8 times.........

To add an extra challenge, when you reach the top work your way back down again using the reverse system

2) Spiderman

  • Place your hands on the floor either side of your feet
  • 'walk' your hands out as far as you can
  • then walk your feet up to meet your hands
  • repeat the process as far as you can around the house or classroom

3) Floor Climb

  • Cut out and colour in some red squares and some green squares
  • Red is for your hands and green is for your feet
  • Set out a route across the floor for your child to follow placing only their hands on the red and feet on the green squares


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IMPORTANT – When completing this survey, please do not use the backwards or forwards buttons on your browser. To move backwards and forwards, use the buttons on the bottom of each page.